An agency built for
a multicultural world


The Boat Race

For East Asian Canadians, cultural celebrations like the Dragon Boat Festival are moments of pride and connection, with traditional dishes playing a central role. The challenge for Real Canadian Superstore was to not only showcase its extensive range of East Asian ingredients but also to demonstrate that it is a trusted partner for the community every day, not just during festive moments. The human truth is that feeling included and understood as an East Asian Canadian means having access to the ingredients that matter most to your culture. Real Canadian Superstore recognized the importance of making these ingredients accessible year-round, but there was limited awareness of this inclusivity. The opportunity was to leverage the Dragon Boat Festival as a meaningful moment to highlight that the Superstore offers these ingredients and supports the community’s culinary traditions every day. To bring this message to life, the campaign featured a compelling video that blended the spirit of the Dragon Boat race with the Superstore’s commitment to providing essential East Asian products. This video was shared across TV, out-of-home platforms, Facebook, and WeChat, authentically demonstrating the Superstore’s deep connection to the community. The message was clear: Real Canadian Superstore is not just a retailer during festive occasions, but a partner that supports East Asian Canadians every day. By bridging cultural celebration with product relevance, Real Canadian Superstore successfully elevated awareness of its inclusive offering and strengthened its role as a go-to destination for East Asian culinary needs.

Real Canadian Superstore
The Boat Race

Real Canadian Superstore
The Boat Race